Pisceans are children of the water element and ruled by Neptune, the god of the seas and oceans.
Pisces: Sensitive
They are intense and extremely emotional. We can say that, alongside Cancer, they are the most sensitive people in the zodiac and have great difficulty accepting reality, life as it is.
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They are unstable, emotional, intense, and dramatic, as well as extremely generous. They usually do not understand the limits and duality of life. Right and wrong, good and bad are always relative to people of this sign.
The lack of boundaries can be so great that they end up being taken advantage of by the people around them.
It is very common to find people of this sign, both men and women, exhausted from giving so much without receiving anything in return.
The lack of boundaries can lead them into trouble with drugs and alcohol, so this is their greatest lesson: knowing when to stop.
Pisces is a natural actor, as they can adapt to any environment, person, or situation.
They are often an easy target for ill-intentioned individuals because they are naive and always believe that human evil only exists in movies and on TV. Pisces is complacent and slow to react, even when they suffer.
They often accept punishment and the sacrifices that life imposes on them without complaining or doing anything to change their situation. People of this sign have a sensitivity beyond the normal or humanly possible.
They are sensitive, mediums, and perceive the invisible currents that lie behind human falseness.
But most of the time, they allow themselves to be carried away by them.